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S Roosevelt Blvd
Key West, FL 33040

Presented by

Graciela Lozano


Graciela Lozano
Single Family Home
Note: The property information has not been updated in the last 2 months. Contact the listing agent for up-to-date info.


Mobile business for sale with all licenses to work in public places in the city of Key West, in a perfect family business, sell pre-prepared food, drinks, pastries, coffee, smoothies, packaged products, ice cream.
The business comes complete with a trailer with solar panels and a generator. Due to the history of the business, Smarter Beach has been the one that generated the most income. You can rent the business, buy it, or rent it to buy later. The business has a return of 50% working full time, you need to have ONE vehicle that you can move the trailer because it has to be taken and from the sales place every day.

You can buy it cash.
Seller can finance 50% of the sale price at 2% interest
Buyer car rent to buy, $2000/m and in 5 years is paid.
Or you can rent only for $1500/m

Rent to buy and rent only will require buyer to get insurance for the trailer and show to have enough insurance in the towing vehicle.

Presented by

Graciela Lozano

Graciela Lozano
Keys Lifestyle Real Estate
(305) 2967686
Email:  [email protected]

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S Roosevelt Blvd
Key West, FL 33040

Offered at

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Single Family Home

Mobile food and beverage business

Mobile business for sale with all licenses to work in public places in the city of Key West, in a perfect family business, sell pre-prepared food, drinks, pastries, coffee, smoothies, packaged products, ice cream. The business comes complete with a trailer with solar panels and a generator. Due to the history of the business, Smarter Beach has been the one that generated the most income. You can rent the business, buy it, or rent it to buy later. The business has a return of 50% working full time.

Property photoProperty photoProperty photoProperty photo
Map of S Roosevelt Blvd, Key West, FL 33040, USA
Graciela Lozano

For more information contact:
Graciela Lozano
Keys Lifestyle Real Estate
Phone: (305) 2967686
[email protected]

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