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855 Peachtree Street
Atlanta, GA 30308

Presented by

Thom Abbott


Thom Abbott

Market statistics

The chart below shows the combined 7 days and 90 days median price trends for zip code 30308

Median price chart (7 days, 90 days combined)

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Presented by

Thom Abbott

Thom Abbott
Thomas Ramon Realty@ HomeSmart
(404) 876-4901
Email:  [email protected]

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Listed by: Thomas Ramon Realty @ HomeSmart

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855 Peachtree Street
Atlanta, GA 30308

Offered at

Property photo
1 Bedroom
1 Full Bathroom
372 Units

Viewpoint Midtown Atlanta Condominiums

Viewpoint Midtown was completed in 2008. This impressive Midtown Atlanta condominium building offers 1 bedroom, 1 Bedroom Plus Den and 2 Bedroom floor plans. It's the first Midtown Atlanta Condo Building to offer the den floor plan, giving some homes unique extra living space. Resale homes in Viewpoint Midtown will start in the Mid- 300's for a 1 bedroom and upper $500's to 600's for a 2 bedroom. Looking for a home at Viewpoint Midtown Atlanta? Call us today or learn more at!

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Map of 855  Peachtree Street, Atlanta, GA 30308, USA
Thom Abbott

For more information contact:
Thom Abbott
Thomas Ramon Realty@ HomeSmart
Phone: (404) 876-4901
[email protected]

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