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5650 Jamestown
Shelby, MI 48317

Presented by

Wes Brooks


Wes Brooks
1 Full Bathroom
Interior: 6,800 sqft
Lot: 0.44 acre(s)
Year Built: 1953
MLS #: 20240035434
Note: The property information has not been updated in the last 2 months. Contact the listing agent for up-to-date info.


Property Information
Location Information
Tot Units/%Lsd: 0 / 0% Est Sqft Ttl: 6,800 County: Macomb
# of Loft Units: LP/SqFt: $100.88 Township: Shelby Twp
# Eff/Std Units: Est Sqft Main: 6,800 Mailing City: Shelby Twp
# of 1 BR Units: Est Sqft Office: 800 MLS Area: 03071 - Shelby Twp
# of 2 BR Units: Sqft Source: Prior Listing Side of Street: S
# of 3 BR Units: Yr Blt/Remod: 1953 / Location: Auburn Road and Jamestown
# of 4 BR Units: Road Frnt Ft: 153 School Dist: Utica
Acreage: 0.44 Water Frnt Ft: Directions: -59 to north on Mound, merge into Auburn Road to Jamestown o0n west side of road. Property is near corner (not on corner)
Lot Dimensions: 145.00 x 132.00
Listing Information
Listing Type: ERTS Level of Srvc: FS Trans Type: Sale List Date: 05/20/2024
Activation Date: 05/23/2024
Srvcs Offered: Arrange Appointments, Accept/Present Offers, Advise on Offers, Assist with Counteroffers, Negotiate for Seller
Short Sale: No DaysOnMkt: N/16/16 Possession: At Close
Pend Date: Off Mkt Date: ABO Date: Orig Price: $686,000
Exclusions: Restrictions: Protect Period: 180 Encroachments:
LC DWP: LC Int Rate: % LC Mthly Pay: LC Term:
Access: Appointment/LockBox MLS Source: REALCOMP
Terms Offered: Cash, Conventional Originating MLS#20240035434
LB Location: Rear Door
Agent/Office/Contact Information
Sub Ag Comp:  
Buy Ag Comp: Yes: 3% 
Trn Crd Comp: Yes: $200.00 
Compensation Arrangements:
Contact: WES BROOKS OR JILL BECKER Contact Phone: (248) 701-7660
Listing Office: RE/MAX Eclipse Clarkston Office Phone: (248) 599-3124
Listing Agent: WESLEY C BROOKS   Agent Phone: (248) 701-7660
Co-List Agent: JILL C BECKER    Co-Agent Phone: (586) 262-2000
Business Information
Current Use: Commercial, Retail, Service, Vacant, Currently Vacant
Business Type: Service, Manufacturing, Retail, Wholesale, Industrial Income & Expenses Access To/Distance To
Licenses: Monthly Sales: Interstate: / 2
Inventory List: Zone Conform: Net Annl Inc: 0 Railroad: / 11
Inventory Incl: No Rental Certified: Annl Gross Inc: 0 Airport: / 10
Annual Property Operating Data (APOD) Available: Annl Oper Exp: 0 Waterway: Yes / 24
Unit Information
Unit Type                   Baths     Lavs       Square Ft   Furnished                 Qty of Unit Type         Rent
Architecture Lvl: 1 Story Exterior: Block/Concrete/Masonry, Brick, Metal Siding, Steel
Comm Ext Feat: Outside Lighting, Doors 10-15 ft, Perimeter Fence
Commercial Feat: 220V Available
Exterior Feat: Fenced Roof Material: Rubber
Foundation: Slab Foundation Mtrls:
Fencing: Fenced, Perimeter Heating: Forced Air
Heating Fuel: Plant Heating: Forced Air
Wtr Heater Fuel: Office Heating: Central Air, Forced Air
Water Source: Community Sewer: Septic Tank (Existing)
Soil Type: As common to area Body of Water:
Out Buildings: Garage Road Frontage: Paved
Property ID: 0732276008 Taxes (S/W): $2,007 / $1,476
Ownership: Standard (Private) Oth/Sp Asst: 0.00
Legal Desc: L 16A3A EYSTERS CLINTON RIVER GARDENS PART OF THE N 1/2 OF LOT 16 DESC AS FOLL, COMM AT THE NE COR LOT 16, TH N 89 DEG 12' W 60.70 FT TO THE PT OF BEG, TH S 12 DEG 14' W 138.36 FT, TH N 89 DEG 12' W 128.80 FT, TH N 02 DEG 05' E 135.60 FT, TH S 89 DEG 12' E 153.60 FT TO PT OF BEG. LIBER 7 PAGES 8-9
Zoning: Commercial, Heavy Industrial, Light Industrial, Office Existing Lease: No
SEV: 122,100.00 Taxable Value: 74,028.00 Occupant: Vacant

Presented by

Wes Brooks

Wes Brooks
RE/MAX Eclipse
Associate Broker
(248) 7017660
Email:  [email protected]

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Listed by: Wes Brooks & Jill Becker

Other languages:
Spanish French German Portuguese Chinese Italian Russian Japanese Korean  Arabic

5650 Jamestown
Shelby, MI 48317

Offered at

Property photo
1 Full Bathroom
Interior: 6,800 sqft
Lot: 0.44 acre(s)
Year Built: 1953
MLS #: 20240035434

Commercial Property Ready for New Business

Commercial Property ready for your new business. Large 6,000' work shop/plant/garage area with 800' of office space. Warehouse, Retail, Parts Center, Plumbing, Heating & Cooling, Distribution Center, Storage, Service Center, Cabinet Shop, Carpet Store, Offices, Fleet Service, Small Plant Operations. Front office space, mid area sales teams or retail space with shop area in back. Large parking lot. Be sure to watch the video. This is ready to move in.

Property photoProperty photoProperty photoProperty photo
Map of 5650 Jamestown, Shelby, MI 48317, USA
Wes Brooks

For more information contact:
Wes Brooks
RE/MAX Eclipse
Associate Broker
Phone: (248) 7017660
[email protected]

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