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3019 Crest Ave
Cheverly, MD 20785

Presented by

Alex McCracken


Alex McCracken
Property photo
Single Family Home
3 Bedrooms
2 Full Bathrooms
1 Half Bathroom
1 Unit
Interior: 1,600 sqft
Lot: 8,036 sqft
Year Built: 1953
MLS #: MDPG2136948

Neighborhood Info

Town of Cheverly Official Website:

Provides detailed information about town services, local government, events, and community updates.

Cheverly Community Market:

Learn about local events, farmers markets, and opportunities to engage with the community. 
Located just outside Washington, D.C., Cheverly, Maryland, is a charming and tight-knit community known for its tree-lined streets, historic homes, and vibrant neighborhood spirit. This sought-after area offers a perfect blend of suburban tranquility and urban convenience. Residents enjoy easy access to major commuting routes, the Cheverly Metro station, and nearby amenities, including parks, schools, and local dining options. The town is also renowned for its active community life, with events like the Cheverly Day Festival and the community market fostering a strong sense of connection among neighbors. For those seeking a peaceful, welcoming environment with quick access to the city, Cheverly is an ideal place to call home.

Community Organizations


Cheverly has an active community of organizations that focus on a wide variety of interests. The town has a wealth of volunteer opportunities, and these

groups help make many of the things we enjoy possible. Scroll down to learn more about community organizations in Cheverly, or visit their websites for

further information. To become a qualified Community-oriented public service organization, the Mayor and Town Council require the following: that the

general membership consists of at least 20 regular members with at least 50% of the regular members being Cheverly residents.

View the Community Organization Form (PDF)

Youth & Families

Cheverly Boys and Girls Club

Cheverly Parents Resource Center (CPRC)

Cheverly Boy Scout Troup 257 and Cub Scout Pack 257

Cheverly Soccer Club

Cheverly Working Moms

Girl Scouts

Cheverly Swim and Racquet Club

Cheverly Youth Commission

Civic & Community Interest

American Legion

American Legion Auxiliary

Cheverly CERT

Cheverly Community Market

Cheverly Community Vegetable Gardens

Cheverly Day Committee

Cheverly Forum for Accountability and Action

Cheverly History Club

Cheverly Men's Basketball

Cheverly Village

Civic African American Community Organization (CAACO)

Fourth Ward Civic Association

Friends of Lower Beaverdam Creek

Garden Club

Homemaker's Club

Cheverly Women's Club

Cheverly United Methodist Church

American Legion

The American Legion is a congressionally chartered mutual-aid veterans organization founded to benefit those veterans who served during a wartime

period as defined by the U.S. Congress. The American Legion Post 108 in Cheverly was first organized in 1933 and completed in 1941; built by post

members of materials collected from Rock Creek Park, the East Wing of the White House, a bridge in Washington, DC, the McLean Mansion, and

contains old doors from the U.S. Supreme Court. The post family currently has over 450 members and sponsors Boy Scout Troop 257and Cub Scout

Pack 257.

The eligibility dates to be a member of the American Legion can be seen at the American Legion website. To be a member of the Son's of the American

Legion your father, grandfather, or great grandfather needed to serve during the eligibility dates. Ladies who are veterans but did not serve during the

eligibility dates are eligible to join the American Legion Auxiliary. The Post is open seven days a week; space includes a pool table, dartboards, and a hall

that seats in excess of 200 people.

Address: 3608 Legion Drive

Phone: 301-773-0108

American Legion Auxiliary

The Cheverly American Legion Auxiliary Unit 108 is a local veteran's support organization. We work hard to support our military and veterans! Founded in

the 1940s, the Cheverly Auxiliary has a rich history. Its members' volunteer efforts have touched the lives of veterans in numerous ways. There are new

generations of veterans to reach out to, and with the passage of time the needs of our older veterans and their families increase. Annually we sponsor

young women to attend Maryland Girls State, raise awareness in our community about veterans issues, sponsor Americanism activities for local youth-

among many, many other activities. The Cheverly Auxiliary believes that caring for all veterans is a sacred trust, and its members strive to do so with the

same courage our veterans exhibited in their service to our country. We welcome new members! Membership requirements are explained on the

American Legion Auxiliary website.

Email the American Legion Auxiliary

Boy Scouts / Cub Scouts

The mission of the Boy Scouts and Cub Scouts is to prepare young people to make ethical and moral choices over their lifetimes by instilling in them the

values of the Scout Oath and Law. What is the Oath? 40 simple words that can transform your son: On my honor, I will do my best, to do my duty, to God

and my country, to obey the Scout law, to help other people at all times, to keep myself physically strong, mentally awake and morally straight. What is the

Law? Twelve more simple words that should define everyone's character: A Scout is Trustworthy, Loyal, Helpful, Friendly, Courteous, Kind, Obedient,

Cheerful, Thrifty, Brave, Clean and Reverent. How do we do this? Going camping and hiking. Pitching tents and building fires. Doing community service

projects. Developing citizens and leaders.

The Cub Scouts serves boys and girls from first through fifth grade, Boy Scouts is for boys sixth grade and above. Come Join the Scouting Adventure!



Cheverly Boy Scout Troop 257 Website

Cheverly Cub Pack Troop 257

Email the Boy Scout Troop 257 Scout Master

Email Cub Scout Pack 257 Website

Cheverly Boys and Girls Club (CBGC)

The Cheverly Boys and Girls Club has a very active sports program for ages 4 - 13, which includes Soccer, Basketball, Baseball, and T-Ball.

Cheverly Boys and Girls Club Website

Cheverly History Club

The club is no longer active but maintains its website.

Cheverly History Club Website

Cheverly CERT

The Mission of Cheverly CERT is to provide critical support to the Town of Cheverly and assistance to residents during an emergency. To accomplish this

mission, Cheverly CERT has three areas of focus:

1. 2. 3. Providing our members with on-going training in disaster response, emergency preparedness, leadership, and organizational skills.

Educating residents in Cheverly emergency preparedness.

Supporting the Cheverly Police Department and related emergency services in the event of a disaster

Cheverly CERT Website

Email Cheverly CERT

Phone number: 240-303-2447

Cheverly Community Market

The Cheverly Community Market is committed to offering a vibrant market that strengthens the community through providing fresh, nutritious food from

local sources, and encouraging unique local businesses and artisans. We accept Maryland-DC WIC/FMNP/SNAP and provide matching funds for all


The Market is held every other weekend from May - December at the Cheverly Community Center, located at 6401 Forest Road. Visit our website for

dates and other updates.

Come fill your Market basket with the best in local produce, fruits, meat, fish, eggs, cheese, bread, pastries, and more!

Cheverly Community Market Website

Email the Cheverly Community Market

Cheverly Men's Basketball

"Cheverly Men's Basketball is for men 35 years old and older to play informal pickup basketball during the week at the Town Gym."

Cheverly Parents Resource Center (CPRC)

The Cheverly Parents Resource Center (CPRC) supports Cheverly families with young children by providing valuable information, hosting drop-in

playgroups, and holding special events such as local field trips and occasional workshops on topics of interest to parents.

The main activity of CPRC is drop-in playgroups, which offer families with young children the opportunity to meet, make friends, and play. Playgroup

meets Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 9:30 am until 11:30 am at the Community Center in cold weather and at Gast Park (also known as

"Cheese Park") in warm weather. Playgroup group is geared toward young children (birth to preschool) but school-age siblings can join us in the summer


Special playgroups, including the monthly Birthday and Halloween playgroups, winter holiday party, summer breakfasts at the Arboretum, and other

special events are just a few special activities that this community group enjoys.

Cheverly Parents Resource Center Website

Cheverly Soccer Club

The Cheverly Soccer Club formed in 1995. The club sponsors both indoor and outdoor soccer (tot through U-18) and hosts the very popular annual

summer Challenger British Soccer Camp program.

Cheverly Swim & Racquet Club

The Cheverly Swim and Racquet Club. The club is a private facility.

Cheverly Swim and Racquet Club Website

Cheverly Village

Cheverly Village helps seniors and other residents of Cheverly to stay in community and age in motion. Cheverly Village volunteers provide services and

create social and educational activities that support Village members in continuing to live in their homes as active, valued members of the community.

Email Cheverly Village

Phone: 240-770-1033

Visit the Cheverly Village website

Cheverly Youth Commission (CYC)

The CYC is an organization committed to promoting youth engagement in the Cheverly community. We are striving towards making sure teenagers are

informed about town politics, volunteer opportunities, and community gatherings in order to become better voters and more active members of the town.

For more information on how to join the CYC or support the Vote16 initiative, contact us below.

Instagram - @chvyouthcommission

Civic African American Community Organization (CAACO)

Our primary purpose is to unify the African American community in all segments of life within various communities.

We want to activate, engage, educate, and empower, to present a strong concerted effort in meeting situational awareness particular to our community.

This is achievable by pursuing and supporting local policies that address our needs, building partnerships with community groups, demonstrating a

commitment to engage in local activity and establishing a physical presence in the community.

Meetings are held on the fourth Monday of every month except for holidays at 7 pm.

Contact: Barbara Brown (CAACO President)

Email the Civic African American Community Organization

Phone: 202-670-6418

Fourth Ward Civic Association

The Fourth Ward Civic Association's purpose is to identify Ward issues affecting the community and to them in particular. The Association encourages

residents to become involved with and participate in civic matters at all levels of Government -Town, County, State, and Federal. It also fosters an

environment to improve communication among all residents of the Ward and Town officials. Meetings are held the third Monday of every month except for

holidays at 7 pm All Fourth Ward residents are invited and encouraged to attend.

Contact: Edward Reddick, President of the Association

Phone: 301-520-3777

Email Edward Reddick

Friends of Lower Beaverdam Creek

Friends of Lower Beaverdam Creek is a volunteer-led nonprofit founded by Cheverly residents in 2004 to help restore and celebrate area streams.

Accomplishments include creating a stream access trail from the Community Center through Woodworth Park to Magruder Spring at the south end of

Cheverly Avenue, installing interpretative signage and removed hundreds of tires and tons of trash during clean up events; promote clean water policies

and practices in our region. FLBC collaborates with the Cheverly Conservation Alliance, the Anacostia Watershed Society and others. FBC welcomes

volunteers for all its activities. Community service credit is given to students. FLBC volunteers meet for fieldwork parties the last Saturday of the month;

check the website or town newsletter for details.

Contact: Joani Horchler (volunteer coordinator) or Dan Smith (president)

Phone: 301-802-7445

Cheverly Garden Club

The Cheverly Garden Club's purpose is to encourage and advance the fine art of sustainable gardening and landscaping; the study of horticulture and

conservation; beautification of our environs; and to aid in the protection of native trees, shrubs and plants. Established in 1954, the club gathers each

month to listen to engaging speakers, swap garden plants, take field trips, and share information between new and experienced gardeners alike. The

Garden Club meets the third Monday of each month at the Cheverly United Methodist Church. Club members participate in yearly service projects, such

as making and delivering floral arrangements for shut-ins in Cheverly and maintaining the Memorial Garden at Cheverly United Methodist Church. The

popular annual Garden Club sale offers vegetables, hanging baskets, and plants from members' yards.

Email the Cheverly Garden Club

Cheverly Girl Scouts

The Cheverly Girl Scouts girls discover the fun, friendship, and power of girls together. Through enriching experiences such as extraordinary field trips,

sports skill-building clinics, community service projects, cultural exchanges, and environmental stewardships, girls grow courageous and strong. Girl

Scouting helps girls develop their full individual potential; relate to others with increasing understanding skill and respect; develop values to guide their

actions and provide the foundation for sound decision making, and contribute to the improvement of society through their abilities and leadership skills.

Scout Levels:

Any girl 5 to 17 years of age can join the world largest organization for girls at different grade-levels:

Girl Scout Daisy, grades K-1

Girl Scout Brownie, grades 2-3

Girl Scout Junior, grades 4-5

Girl Scout Cadette, grades 6-8

Girl Scout Senior, grades 9-12


Brownie Troop: Email Marcie Goeke-Morey

Junior Troop: Email Carol Hart

Cadette Troop: Email Peggy Callahan or Email Andrea Cerulli

Ambassador Troop: Email Joy Pritchett

Cheverly Forum for Accountability & Action

The Cheverly Community Forum for Accountability and Action (The Cheverly Forum) is a group of Cheverly neighbors working to advance inclusion,

equity, and justice. Our mission is to cultivate relationships, build bridges, and provide platforms to involve those whose stories and perspectives are too

often unheard, disregarded, or otherwise crucially missing from public discussion and decision.

Open to all, the Cheverly Forum seeks out and listens to the concerns and ideas of people and organizations aiming to rectify and improve our community

life and local government. Accordingly, the Forum raises those voices, nurtures understanding, builds consensus around community priorities, and

champions efforts to put them into effect.

Cheverly Community Forum for Accountability and Action Website

The Cheverly Homemakers Club

For 50 years the Homemakers Club has been promoting programs to strengthen the home, family and community life. The club meets the second

Monday of each month September through May in various members' homes, and programs featuring a variety of topics are presented.

Email Gail Hill

Phone: 301-322-1461

Cheverly Women's Club

The Cheverly Women's Club was founded in 1919 to unite the women of Cheverly for their mutual benefit and for the promotion of their common interests

in education, civic and moral measures.

Through the years, the Women's Club has grown to empower the women of Cheverly to serve the needs of our diverse community through collaboration

and cooperation with other organizations in our area. The Club's main goals are to improve the welfare of children, increase interest in our civic duties

and to spread tolerance, kindness and understanding to as many people as possible. possible.

The Cheverly Women's Club understands that Love is the greatest power. It's focus is to help create a safe and loving community that's compassionate,

caring, kind and shows "Love in Action."

Cheverly Women's Club Facebook

Cheverly Fitness Bootcamp

Cheverly Fitness Bootcamp is your free community fitness resource! We are community led, gathering together to do body weight and light weight

workouts, each at their own pace. During Covid 19 restrictions and weather permitting, we meet outdoors on Thursdays at 6 am at the town track and

Saturday mornings at Euclid Park. If you would like to receive information and be notified when we resume, email our google group or our Facebook

group called Cheverly Bootcamp.

Cheverly United Methodist Church

The "church in the heart of the community with the community in its heart," has been in ministry and service to the town since the early 1940s. Many

Cheverly young people began their childhood education here at the Cheverly UMC Weekday Nursery and former Mother's Day Out programs. In addition

to Sunday morning worship at 10 am, church activities include Sunday School for all ages, Wednesday Night Bible Study and Thursday Evening Prayer.

Cheverly UMC is the meeting place for the Cheverly Garden Club, Girl Scouts, Brownies, Daisy Troops, several AA groups and Love 2 Dance II Dance


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Presented by

Alex McCracken

Alex McCracken
Exp Realty
(202) 5060202
Email:  [email protected]

Other languages:
Spanish French German Portuguese Chinese Italian Russian Japanese Korean  Arabic

3019 Crest Ave
Cheverly, MD 20785


Property photo
Single Family Home
3 Bedrooms
2 Full Bathrooms
1 Half Bathroom
1 Unit
Interior: 1,600 sqft
Lot: 8,036 sqft
Year Built: 1953
MLS #: MDPG2136948

Charming Cheverly Colonial

*scroll down for 3D tour w/ mapping* Nestled in the heart of the welcoming Cheverly community, 3019 Crest Avenue offers a delightful blend of classic charm and modern updates. Built in 1953, this well-maintained brick colonial boasts 3 spacious bedrooms, 2 full bathrooms, and a main-level powder room across 1,600 square feet of bright and inviting living space. Recent enhancements include energy-efficient windows, updated electrical systems, and a newly installed driveway and front steps, ensuring both comfort and functionality.

Property photoProperty photoProperty photoProperty photo
Map of 3019 Crest Ave, Cheverly, MD 20785, USA
Alex McCracken

For more information contact:
Alex McCracken
Exp Realty
Phone: (202) 5060202
[email protected]

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