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29573 Deerfield Ln.
Warrenton, MO 63383

Presented by

Mike Cribbin


Mike Cribbin
Property photo
Acreage with Living Quarters etc.
Lot: 14.40 acre(s)
MLS #: 18016191

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Presented by

Mike Cribbin

Mike Cribbin
Cribbin Realty
(314) 954-6500
Email:  [email protected]

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Listed by: Cribbin Realty

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29573 Deerfield Ln.
Warrenton, MO 63383


Property photo
Acreage with Living Quarters etc.
Lot: 14.40 acre(s)
MLS #: 18016191

Acreage - Mini Farm - and More

Looking for acreage close to town? You just found it. Enjoy country living on 14.4 acre tract of land located just minutes from highway in Warrenton. Property also includes 2 buildings approximately 60 X 40 X 16 and a 3 sided garage 20 X 20 X 8, a chicken coup. and a house that needs lots of TLC. The property has plenty of level ground and some trees outlining much of it. It also includes lots of trees behind the home. Restrictions include no mobile homes, junk vehicles, no hogs. WARNING!!! if you see this property you will want to buy it. Priced to sell.

Property photoProperty photoProperty photoProperty photo
Map of 29573 Deerfield Ln., Warrenton, MO 63383, USA
Mike Cribbin

For more information contact:
Mike Cribbin
Cribbin Realty
Phone: (314) 954-6500
[email protected]

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