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0000 Casco Cir
North Port, FL 34288

Presented by

Timothy McCarthy


Timothy McCarthy
Property photo
Lot: 10,487 sqft
MLS #: A11598544
Note: The property information has not been updated in the last 2 months. Contact the listing agent for up-to-date info.

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Presented by

Timothy McCarthy

Timothy McCarthy
Dalton Wade Real Estate
(954) 439 1442
Email:  [email protected]

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Listed by: Dalton Wade Real Estate Group

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0000 Casco Cir
North Port, FL 34288

Offered at

Property photo
Lot: 10,487 sqft
MLS #: A11598544

Permissible businesses and usages for Activity Center 10

Lists of permissible businesses and usages for Activity Center 10:Adult Arcades, Agriculture,Industrial,AnimalBoarding1,Animal Daycare, AnimalHospitals&VeterinaryOffices,AutomobileJunkyards, AutomobileRepair Shops,Major, AutomobileRepair Shops,Minor, Banks andFinancialInstitutions, Bar orNightclub, Car Wash1, CommunityGardens, Conservation, Craft Brewery,Distillery,Winery, DaycareFacilities, AllAges5, Dealership,Boats andRecreationalVehicles Salesand Rentals,Earthmoving,incidental,Dredging, andStockpiling,limited per, EssentialServices Major-minor, Food TruckPark1,Plus more Ask?

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Map of 0000 Casco Cir, North Port, FL 34288, USA
Timothy McCarthy

For more information contact:
Timothy McCarthy
Dalton Wade Real Estate
Phone: (954) 439 1442
[email protected]

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