This property at 3381 W Canyon Meadow Dr , South Jordan, UT84095 has listed by Bryan and Scott  Colemere but has not been updated for quite some time. Please contact the listing agent and broker for up to date information.

3381 W Canyon Meadow Dr
South Jordan, UT84095


Single Family Residential
MLS#: 1717336

6 beds3 full baths1 half bath4480 sqft

Lot: 0.24acres Year built: 2012

3381 W Canyon Meadow Dr South Jordan, UT 84095

WOW! What a Find! Christmas just came early for those last minute home shoppers. Santa didn't leave anything to spare, this home is truly a showcase sparing no expenses. Let's start when you pull up on your one horse open slay, the curb appeal will knock your stockings off! Beautiful design and immaculate landscaping. From the second you step inside, and (please leave your stockings offer) be wowed by the beautiful hardwood floors, open staircase, beautiful banister and open, floor plan with tons of natural light. Click here for more details

Bryan and Scott  Colemere

Colemere Realty
Listed by: Colemere Realty - Bryan Colemere

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