This property at Hypnosis for Weight LossDecember Special Deal Promotion , Napa, CA94559 has listed by Christine  Hannah but has not been updated for quite some time. Please contact the listing agent and broker for up to date information.

Hypnosis for Weight LossDecember Special Deal Promotion
Napa, CA94559



Are you one of the millions of Americans that struggle with their weight? Are you tired of yo-yo diets that never seem to work, endless hunger cravings, poor self-image and the self-consciousness that are the hallmarks of being overweight? With hypnosis you can turn all that around and begin to eat to live instead of living to eat. At Napa Hypnosis we work with you to undo the destructive habits and myths about eating so you can live the lifestyle of a naturally thin person. A New Slender You A NEW SLENDER YOU With our seminar you will learn to eat for only those reasons you are meant

Christine  Hannah


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