This property at 2712 Connie Dr , Sacramento, CA95815 has listed by Brent  T  Gove but has not been updated for quite some time. Please contact the listing agent and broker for up to date information.

2712 Connie Dr
Sacramento, CA95815


Single Family Residential
MLS#: 17076583

2 beds1 full bath735 sqft

Lot: 0.23acres Year built: 1947


Cozy Cottage

Cozy cottage home on large lot in Swanston Estates area. Ideal for first time buyer or investor. Home needs some TLC but has great bones. Good size kitchen with laminate countertops and cherry cabinets. Friendly neighborhood close to restaurants, shopping at the Arden Fair Mall and public transportation. Priced to sell. Won't last long.

Brent  T  Gove

eXp Realty
License: BRE License #: 01230921
Listed by: eXp Realty

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