This property at 250 Palm Coast Parkway NE403 , Palm Coast, FL32137 has listed by Jolita  Ann  Brazzano but has not been updated for quite some time. Please contact the listing agent and broker for up to date information.

250 Palm Coast Parkway NE403
Palm Coast, FL32137


Storefront, Restaurant, Bakery, Barber, Business
MLS#: 243613

1481 sqft

Year built: 2016


Traffic Traffic Traffic

Current tenant has a lease for 3 years on this unit and is offering incentives for any insightful business person who is looking for the perfect location to set up their business! This is the perfect location for a small boutique store, an ice cream shoppe, a pastry stop, a unique business venture or other use that does not interfere with the large scale shopping center's current business partners. Your possibilities here are endless!

About the Neighborhood

The Island Walk Shopping center has 5 restaurants onsite and several surrounding it.  Add a Starbucks, Hallmark, Publix Grocery, UPS, Tuesday Morning, Petco, a friendly specialty beer location, and varied array of stores with plentiful parking and you can bet your top dollar that you have a business winner!  Plenty of space to start or expand your Palm Coast or interstate business to one of the best traveled areas in Palm Coast.  

More details

Are you looking for a location to start or expand your business in Palm Coast?  This spacious storefront provides any potential owner with the perfect location to bring walk in and appointment business to your door.  Ample parking, well established location, and a storefront that will attract customers from across the several acre Island Walk Shopping Center.  Current tenant will sublet and provide a rent discount or we can negotiate to take over the lease in its entirety!  Your choice.  Call for an appointment to view this space today.

Jolita  Ann  Brazzano

Brazzano Real Estate
License: 3126554
Listed by: Brazzano Real Estate

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