This property at 2400 E Concord ave , mattawan, MI49071 has listed by Richard  Stewart but has not been updated for quite some time. Please contact the listing agent and broker for up to date information.

2400 E Concord ave
mattawan, MI49071


Lots and Land
MLS#: 11003233

Lot: 16.10acres


3 Vacant Lots

Bank Owned. Over 16 acres of land in Mattawan Village. See attachment for overhead view. Includes 3 parcels tax id 80-46-700-081-00 (8 acres), 80-46-700-092-00 (5.3 acres), 80-46-700-069-15 (2.8 Acres) per tax record. Buyer to verify all information including permitted uses and tax data. See more photos at

Richard  Stewart

REO Specialists Llc
License: 6502303799
Listed by: Richard Stewart

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