This property at Mahan Ave , Bronx, NY10461 has listed by Bruno  Ruiz-Castano but has not been updated for quite some time. Please contact the listing agent and broker for up to date information.

Mahan Ave
Bronx, NY10461



700 sqft


700sqft Retail Space for rent in Pelham Bay

Spacious and ready to go retail/office/medical space located in Pelham Bay. Fantastic Retail location with several size options. Space close to on a very high-traffic section of Pelham Bay. Close to 6 train, local buses, major highways, etc...Owner highly Motivated!! For additional information please visit

Bruno  Ruiz-Castano

ADCNY Realty Corp
License: 10311205880
Listed by: Bruno Ruiz-Castano - Lic. RE Broker

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