This property at Crotona Ave , Bronx, NY10457 has listed by Bruno  Ruiz-Castano but has not been updated for quite some time. Please contact the listing agent and broker for up to date information.

Crotona Ave
Bronx, NY10457


Multi Family

6 beds3 full baths


2 Family House for Sale in Tremont section 6bd/3bth

2 Family house for sale completely newly renovated. Excellent investment property in Tremont section. Solid detached house with 2 levels, 2 spacious apartments totally renovated with high quality materials. Beautiful hardwood floors, marble counter tops. Est taxes $1,829 1st floor: 3bd/1bth apartment - fully equipped kitchen - closet space 2nd floor: 3bd/1bth apartment - fully equipped kitchen - closet space For more listings please visit

Bruno  Ruiz-Castano

ADCNY Realty Corp
License: 10311205880
Listed by: Bruno Ruiz-Castano

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