This property at 710 E Boyd Dr.508 , Baton Rouge, LA70808 has listed by VENICE  NESOM but has not been updated for quite some time. Please contact the listing agent and broker for up to date information.

710 E Boyd Dr.508
Baton Rouge, LA70808


MLS#: 2024013258

3 beds2 full baths1500 sqft

Year built: 20001

University view

Great 3 bedroom 2-bathroom Almost 1500 Square foot Condo, has tons of natural light, wide open spaces, and offers lots of closet space and storage. Located right next to LSU's campus in the gated community of University View!! The unit is within walking distance of LSU and on the bus route to make commuting easy. Has a private balcony, and swimming pools for your leisure and enjoyment. Call for your private showing today!


Lewis Companies
Listed by: Valerie Lewis

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