This property at 9249 Abbott Ave , Miami Beach, FL33154 has listed by Stefania  Minutaglio but has not been updated for quite some time. Please contact the listing agent and broker for up to date information.

9249 Abbott Ave
Miami Beach, FL33154


Single Family House

5 beds4 full baths3285 sqft

Lot: 11200.00sqft Year built: 1949

SURFSIDE Rare Single House 5/4!

Beautiful and large single family house in the heart of Surfside. Sleek and large living room, has plenty of natural light due to sun windows. Has double sink, double stove and double dishwasher, built in closets. Walking distance to community center, restaurants, Houses of Worthship. Property can be rented with furniture or without.

Stefania  Minutaglio

Brickell Brokers
786-830 6852
License: SL3553247
Listed by: Brickell Brokers

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