This property at 579 Torrey Rd. , Honesdale, PA18431 has listed by CENTURY 21  Select Group but has not been updated for quite some time. Please contact the listing agent and broker for up to date information.

579 Torrey Rd.
Honesdale, PA18431


Single Family Residential
MLS#: 17-4293

3 beds1 full bath2172 sqft

Lot: 83.28acres Year built: 1885

What an awesome Find! If you are looking for a home that boast views for miles of senery, and a tranquil pond, you found it! Nestled in the beautiful hills just outside of Honesdale is a home with 89 acres to enjoy. Some of the acreage is on the lot with the house and lots more down a secluded wooded trail behind the home that opens to a large flat clearing. The rest of the property is across the street down a quite country road. Buy all 89 acres and keep the senery or buy just some of the property to build your dream house on. Also, great for horses, cows and other livestock! Property has bee

CENTURY 21  Select Group

CENTURY 21 Select Group
Listed by: CENTURY 21 Select Group / Rebekah Dunhom

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