This property at 601 East 10th Street Sheridan, IN 46069 , Sheridan, IN46069 has listed by Annie  Scott but has not been updated for quite some time. Please contact the listing agent and broker for up to date information.

601 East 10th Street Sheridan, IN 46069
Sheridan, IN46069



Well maintained commercial building on a corner lot

Commercial Building PRICE: $85,000 Well maintained commercial building on a corner lot. Property is located on a high-traffic street with high visibility. Building has 2 entrances. West entrance has private office 17'x17', spacious work area. East entrance has an open work space, closet. There is a common hallway with a half bath. Currently rented at $500 per month, lease ends 12/31/16. Previously used as a car sale shop, owner was able to park up to 40 cars on property. Property was also used as a former real-estate office. Please call 317-902-8622 for more information or schedule a tour

Annie  Scott


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