This property at 2504 Ivy Brook Court565 , Arlington, TX76006 has listed by Rental Property Locator  and  Apartments Finder but has not been updated for quite some time. Please contact the listing agent and broker for up to date information.

2504 Ivy Brook Court565
Arlington, TX76006


Residential Rental

1 bed1 full bath1 half bath

Lot: 850.00sqft

More details

Washer and dryer included... Monitored alarms provided... Convenient North Arlington location<br>We believe each person who walks through our front door, from a long-term resident to someone just stopping by to look, is a valued guest. For those of you who demand value, service, comfort and convenience, there is only one choice: Holly Ridge.   .Call Alexander now!  214-230-7368    Free apartments Finder          Para rentar apartamentos en Carrollton llamar 469-524-8651

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