This property at 800 Cobham Park , Gordonsville, VA22942 has listed by Virginia Historic Homes  And  Horse Farms Realtors but has not been updated for quite some time. Please contact the listing agent and broker for up to date information.

800 Cobham Park
Gordonsville, VA22942


Single Family Residential

6 beds2 full baths1 half bath7600 sqft

Lot: 26.00acres Year built: 1856

Cobham park

Welcome to one of Virginia's most beautiful Virginia horse farms. Set amid the Keswick area's breathtaking mountain views, unspoiled forests and sparkling waters, this complex of historic buildings, landscaped parkland and farm amenities would compare favorably with the finest English country manors. The 1850s home still has most of its original features and charm. Offered as either a 178+/-acre estate for $2,930,000 or a with less acreage at 67 acres for $1,800,000 or 26 acres for $1,400,000. (The 67 and 26 acres offerings do not include the pond or cattle barns.)Cobham Park lives and breathe

Virginia Historic Homes  And  Horse Farms Realtors

Virginia Historic Homes & Horse Farms
License: 0225073118
Listed by: Gayle Harvey Real Estate

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