This property at 71 Turnpike Rd , Ipswich, MA01938 has listed by Fred  Newton but has not been updated for quite some time. Please contact the listing agent and broker for up to date information.

71 Turnpike Rd
Ipswich, MA01938



2.49 Acre Lot

PRICE REDUCED 2.49 Acre lot. Traffic count over 13,000 car per day. Currently zoned both residential and commercial. This location near the corner of Linebrook Rd and Turnpike Rd has direct frontage on Rte 1. Property site across from remodeled Cumberland Farms and abuts busy Ipswich Plaza. Strong demographics has national retailers such as Tractor Supply Company investing and moving into the area and OReilly Auto Parts preparing to break ground across the street. New water line at street. For more Information please visit our website at or you may call 978-283-0008 in

Fred  Newton


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