This property at 155 Balouse Gilley Drive , Carrollton, GA30116 has listed by Tanya  C  Cole but has not been updated for quite some time. Please contact the listing agent and broker for up to date information.

155 Balouse Gilley Drive
Carrollton, GA30116


Single Family Residential
MLS#: 8159388

3 beds2 full baths2013 sqft

Lot: 0.53acres Year built: 1999

Immaculate & 3 Finished Rooms in Basement

Adorable and Immaculate. You'll first be impressed with the two-tone laminate flooring that runs from the living room thru the kitchen. And the large areas combined will have you planning all the parties at your house this year because there is space for everyone. And if your guests are chilly, you can light the gas logs in the fireplace. But don't worry about the heat bill, because the house is total electric besides the propane logs.You'll have plenty space for entertaining outside too because the back deck runs the entire width of the back of the house. Lots of neat extras. Must see.

Tanya  C  Cole

First Realty Holdings, LLC
License: Associate Broker
Listed by: First Realty Holdings, LLC

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