This property at 2057 W. Hebron Pkwy Carrollton543 , Carrollton, TX75010 has listed by Rental Property Locator  and  Apartments Finder but has not been updated for quite some time. Please contact the listing agent and broker for up to date information.

2057 W. Hebron Pkwy Carrollton543
Carrollton, TX75010


Residential Rental

3 beds2 full baths

Lot: 1382.00sqft

A hottest Community with More features

More details

Flexible Application Approval - also lease of any duration to 14 mos! * Gated, condo-quality 1, 2, 3 bdrms, 739 - 1488 sf. Carrollton apartments. DART Rail (Green Line): 1 mile, easy access to downtown. Detached garage, covered parking. Ceiling fans, carpet/plank flooring, built-in microwave, icemaker, ceramic cooktop, decorative fireplace, built-in desk, shelves, washer/dryer, alarm, high-speed Internet, satellite dish friendly, sunscreens avail. Indoor basketball and racquetball. Fitness center. Business/conference center, arcade game room, pool table, HD media room. Laundry room. Sand volleyball, jogging area, pools, Jacuzzis, playground, pavilions with picnic tables/BBQs. Enclosed backyards. Onsite dog Park. Mini-storage. Onsite bus pickup all Lewisville school levels. Resident clubhouse. Two stall carwash. Short-term Corporates and daily Guest Suites. Pet friendly - dog by breed, not weight. Our goal is to exceed your expectations. more features At Hwy 121, Marchant Blvd. Exit * Luxurious, Condominium Quality * Near Vista Ridge Mall and I35 * Indoor Basketball and Racquetball * Volleyball * Dog Park * Pet Friendly * Backyards * WiFi *   .Call Alexander now!  214-230-7368    Free apartments Finder          Para rentar apartamentos en Carrollton llamar 469-524-8651

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