This property at 621 Cowboys Parkway Irving402 , Irving, TX75063 has listed by Rental Property Locator and Apartments Finder but has not been updated for quite some time. Please contact the listing agent and broker for up to date information.
Residential Rental
3 beds2 full baths
Lot: 1415.00sqft
REACHING NEW HEIGHTS IN LUXURY LIVING... The Summit graces the peak of a rolling landscape providing breathtaking views of the Dallas and Las Colinas skylines. An unusual retreat, elegant and serene, with all the highly desirable modern conveniences expected in luxurious and exceptional residences! Move to Summit by Norstar Today! Start 2012 out with a new home in our wonderful community! Come by our office for our $300 & $200 Look-and-Lease special ! .Call Alexander now! 214-230-7368 Free apartments Finder Para rentar apartamentos en Irving llamar 469-524-8651
Apartments Rent Rebate
214-230-RENT (7368)