This property at 2215 Cedar Springs Rd456 , Dallas, TX75201 has listed by Rental Property Locator and Apartments Finder but has not been updated for quite some time. Please contact the listing agent and broker for up to date information.
Residential Rental
1 bed1 full bath
Lot: 1535.00sqft
Elevate your lifestyle with high-rise apartment living.Dallas' exclusive address in the fashionable Uptown area; where you will be surrounded by an exceptional blend of urban sophisication intermingled with a boundless array of fine restaurants, clubs, signature galleries and boutiques within walking distance. Your lifestyle will be one of ease and excitement from unwinding on the outdoor verandah cafe to mingling with us .Call Alexander now! 214-230-7368 Free apartments Finder Para rentar apartamentos en Dallas llamar 469-524-8651
Apartments Rent Rebate
214-230-RENT (7368)