This property at 3324 McKinneyAve451 , Dallas, TX75204 has listed by Rental Property Locator and Apartments Finder but has not been updated for quite some time. Please contact the listing agent and broker for up to date information.
Residential Rental
1 bed1 full bath
Lot: 690.00sqft
Find a complete urban balance of luxury, convenience and community at McKinney Uptown Apartment Homes. This high-rise community boasts 9 floors and 23 unique floorplans with a bevy of home amenities designed for your Uptown lifestyle. Located one block from West Village, you'll enjoy shops, eateries and entertainment just minutes from your front door. Catch the McKinney Avenue Trolley and travel to any of the popular venues along this famous avenue corridor. .Call Alexander now! 214-230-7368 Free apartments Finder Para rentar apartamentos en Dallas llamar 469-524-8651
Apartments Rent Rebate
214-230-RENT (7368)