This property at 2901 City Place W Blvd430 , Dallas, TX75204 has listed by Rental Property Locator and Apartments Finder but has not been updated for quite some time. Please contact the listing agent and broker for up to date information.
Residential Rental
2 beds
Lot: 1195.00sqft
We are Located in the hearth of Dallas, we have more amenities ,Relax in the resort-style pool or spend some time at the 10,000-square-foot, full-service athletic club. Entertain outdoors using the four stainless steel grills or reserve the clubroom, complete with kitchen and three TVs, for private parties. Call up the concierge for help or if you must burn the midnight oil, tap into the Executive Business Center with free wireless Internet .Call Alexander now! 214-230-7368 Free apartments Finder Para rentar apartamentos en Dallas llamar 469-524-8651
Apartments Rent Rebate
214-230-RENT (7368)