This property at 6 Llosee Ct , Palm Coast, FL32164 has listed by Jolita  Ann  Brazzano but has not been updated for quite some time. Please contact the listing agent and broker for up to date information.

6 Llosee Ct
Palm Coast, FL32164


Lots and Land
MLS#: 845755

Lot: 10025.00sqft


Zoned For Duplex

Location location- grow your family in your own custom home you plan and build. If you're looking for a place to live and an investment, look no further. You can plan for a multi family use as this is a rare Duplex zoned lot. Buy now and build anytime! As Palm Coast and Flagler County's lifestyles are continually being discovered, this property's unique characteristics and location (4 miles to the beach and less than 2 miles to any thoroughfare) you'll be hard pressed to find a lot like this in the next year or so! Buy now while the price is reasonable.

About the Neighborhood

Growing neighborhood.

Jolita  Ann  Brazzano

Brazzano Real Estate
License: 3126554
Listed by: Brazzano Real Estate

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