This property at 244 Mistflower , New Braunfels, TX78130 has listed by The Jessica  Garza Team but has not been updated for quite some time. Please contact the listing agent and broker for up to date information.

244 Mistflower
New Braunfels, TX78130


Single Family Residential

3 beds2 full baths1512 sqft

USDA Approved, Great Location

Pictures shown are stock pictures, but are very similar to what is in the actual house. Taft model has a starting price of $169,990. The one-story Taft offers easy living, featuring an exclusive owner?s suite with spa-like bath, and a pair of secondary bedrooms for guests. A separate dining room and gourmet kitchen provide the perfect backdrop for entertaining, and offers a casual retreat. Builder may contribute a portion of closing cost to the buyer.

The Jessica  Garza Team


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