This property at 7264 Diana Way , Sacramento CA, CA95828 has listed by Frank  Valente but has not been updated for quite some time. Please contact the listing agent and broker for up to date information.

7264 Diana Way
Sacramento CA, CA95828


Single Family Residential
MLS#: 14074746

2 beds1 full bath864 sqft

Lot: 0.28acres Year built: 1957


Probate Property

Probate property. Home is being sold through Sacramento County as a Probate Sale. Initial offer has been received. Next step will be the court confirmation. The date for court confirmation is March 26 at 0830. Bidding will take place at Probate Court, Department 129 Granite Regional Center 3341 Power Inn Road Sacramento, CA 95826. At the court confirmation other potential buyers will be allowed to bid. Minimum opening bid will be $77,150.00 10% CASH or Cashiers check required for your maximum bid. Email Frank at [email protected] for more information.

Frank  Valente

eXp Realty of California, Inc
License: BRE #01365213
Listed by: Frank Valente Real Estate

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