This property at 3740 W Commodore Way , Seattle, WA98199 has listed by Tom  Minty but has not been updated for quite some time. Please contact the listing agent and broker for up to date information.

3740 W Commodore Way
Seattle, WA98199


Single Family Residential
MLS#: 1238543

4 beds2 full baths1 half bath3000 sqft

Lot: 5019.00sqft Year built: 1997


Seattle Living Like you Imagined It

This is a beautiful home that has the views that you can only have in Seattle. There is a constant parade of boats of all sizes in and out of the locks daily. Come and see it this weekend from 1-4 on both days... the breeze from the bay keeps it comfortable even on the hottest days!

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This is Seattle living as you always imagined it. This wonderful home boasts unrivaled protected views that are constantly changing with a parade of boats and marine life. Sunrise on the deck with a morning coffee is incomparable, and at night the soft Red glow from the Ray’s Boathouse sign shimmers across the water. Even on the hottest days the bay provides a gentle cool breeze so there’s no need for AC and when the weather predicts snow, you can enjoy a sea level road that rarely freezes all the way to Fisherman’s Terminal. This hidden neighborhood is close to downtown, shopping, schools and short walk to Discovery Park. You can even reach the nightlife and restaurants in downtown Ballard by simply walking across the nearby Locks! With Metro transit two blocks away you can still be downtown in 15 minutes. Come experience this incredible home in a neighborhood that is one of the best kept secrets in Seattle

Tom  Minty

John L Scott Real Estate
Listed by: John L Scott Real Estate

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