This property at Allerton Ball Park FieldOutside , Bronx, NY10467 has listed by Luis  McGwire but has not been updated for quite some time. Please contact the listing agent and broker for up to date information.

Allerton Ball Park FieldOutside
Bronx, NY10467


New Construction

4 beds2 full baths1 half bath

Lot: 1500.00sqft Year built: 2000

Apartments and Houses For Rent and Sale Listing in 5 Borough New York City!

Are you seeking for Apartment for rent or house for sale? You can contact me via As I have all connection in the Real Estate market and listing for rental and sales in the 5 borough of the New York City (Bronx, Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, Yonkers, New Jersey and so on). I specialized in helping and assisting you in every needs in the Real Estate industry. Browse in my website and fill out the Real Estate Application online that way I can assist you in finding your new home or neither investing in properties for a profit margin in the Real Estate market!

More details

OLYMPICO USA INTERNATIONAL is offering a great variety of multi-services.  All Services are listing below as:
1) Real Estate - Apartments and Houses for rental and sales network listing.
2) Off-Market Franchise Listing - For Investors Only.
3) We Buy All Cash for distressed properties
4) Business Loans (No Credit Matter) and Personal Loans (650 Credit Score) 
5) Natural Vitamins for energy, free stress and body health.
6) Graphic Design Software - Easy to learn and use.  Better than Photoshop and other expensive software in the world market. 
7) Freelance Bookkeeper Contract 
8) Moving and Delivery Services
9) Notary Public Services
10) Build eCommerce Website and Hosting - More!
11) Marketing Traffic Leading Software for Promotion
12) Baseball Program and Training - Recruiting to Colleges Scholarship and Sign PRO Ball Contract. 
Just visit my website for more information and full details at or CLICK HERE!

Luis  McGwire

Olympico USA International
Listed by: Lou McGwire

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